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What makes a good system, platform or product great?

  • Speed – the ability to process, store, retrieve and render data quickly.
  • Scalability – the ability to handle growth and increased demand, seamlessly.
  • Stability – the ability to behave consistently or reliable under the stated conditions.

And underpinning these three important features, is that one feature to rule them all… Performance.

No matter what sector you operate in – finance, healthcare, retail, tech, government etc. – it’s that seamless end performance of your platform or system that will determine the rise or fall of your business.

Performance red flags for your business

At a time where user attention spans are short, patience is low and expectations are high, there’s no margin for error. Software or systems that perform poorly and the companies associated with them aren’t easily forgiven by customers. From customer churn, poor image, loss of that competitive edge, additional costs to manage performance issues – the losses aren’t just financial, they’re reputational too and it questions your capability.

Here are some of the reasons for poor performance.

  • Bad data structure design and poorly written code causing unnecessary computes
  • Poorly designed workflows and pipelines causing processes to unnecessarily wait
  • Lack of efficient indexing causing io/memory and CPU overheads
  • Server errors – ranging from a total loss to a slowdown caused by undetectable malware
  • Complications related to memory, disk, or connectivity
  • Scalability issues like – low data processing speed, inability to handle the load
  • Resource Exhaustion

The problem is that businesses tend to focus more on release dates; and in the drive to go live, they put off prioritizing performance until the integration testing stages or sometimes even later. The decisions around software and system architecture that have the most impact on performance are usually made in the early developmental stage. Bypassing performance testing early on, means that the problems are discovered much later, when the decisions are difficult to reverse and change is more expensive. By then, the damage is already done.

The DBTEZ Advantage

At DBTEZ, we’re all about the art and science of building fast, reliable and scalable software solutions that help your business perform efficiently and consistently. We help large and small businesses across sectors to get future-ready so that your applications move as quickly as your business does.

Our integrative approach and agile methodology anticipate and manage performance, throughout the entire development process, not just towards the end.


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    +91 7259954223

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    1, 1st Floor, 14th Main Rd, Sector 5, HSR Layout,
    Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102

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